Monday, February 4, 2008

one fish, two fish... old fish, NEW FISH-ys

today for FHE we talked about being thankful for fish. we did a little lesson and told the story of Jonah and the whale. we also went to the pet store and bought two new fish for our lonely fish tank. Elijah was rather undecisive. on the drive down there he said he wanted a blue fish; after a while of looking at the tanks (and the birds, lizards, and hampsters) he decided he wanted one of the sickly looking 12 cent goldfish. Eventually we settled for a white(silver) fish and a black fish, both of them Mollys. On the drive home we asked elijah what he wanted to name them. The first thing that came out of his mouth was "Daniel" (a very hightly favored name by elijah, he has a dragon by the same name) then he thought a minute and decided to name the second one "Mat". so the black one is named Mat and the silver/white one is named Daniel. the silver one has iridescent stripes on his tail and fins, he's rather pretty. Now Sam acutally has something to watch when he wants to look in the fish tank. Hopefully Bob will do well with the new additions.

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