Thursday, January 17, 2008


it is one thing to have your closest friend move 600 miles away, it is quite another to have it all happen in a matter of 6 days!

Christina, my sister from a different mother, found out Monday that she is moving to Oklahoma and will be gone forever on Sunday. Break my heart news that has turned my week (let alone my life) upside down. We have been frantically scrounging up boxes (which includes dumpster diving at Sonic), packing up an entire apartment, and the cleaning is yet to come.
Until all this settles you probably wont hear much from me; sad, cause I had a really funny toilet paper story to tell... I guess it can wait.

1 comment:

Mike Bartholomew said...

That is very sad, moving can be a hard thing. I wish her well with such a fast move. I also can't wait to hear the tp story.