Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Art Show

I mentioned earlier that the boys have been doing A LOT of coloring.  I've taken pictures of some of my favorites that they did while we were in our temporary apartment.  There are many more floating around the house that I'll have to snap pictures of.
Sam holding hands with Grammie and Papa by Sam
(he put the first letters of their names under each.  Sam's "S" until recently was a scribble)

Sam holding hands with Grandma and Grandpa by Sam

Spring picture by Elijah

Sonic flying through the air by Elijah

Olympic rings and flags by Elijah

Lilly flower and Bird by Elijah


Anna said...

How does one claim one of those pieces? Are you holding an auction too???

Charis said...

is elijah copying pictures, or are those out of his head? i am really impressed. I want the spring picture! and sammy's pictures are great, I am very impressed!

Jean said...

Wow!! Are you lucky to have resident artists! I love Sammy's drawing of Grammie and Papa and of course himself. Elijah has a great eye for color. I would frame a couple of these.