Sunday, February 28, 2010

You know it's time for bed when...

Your three year old suddenly starts crying and when asked what is wrong wails, "I have a ooggie!"  And when you respond by saying, "It's okay... I'll get a tissue," he wails back at you "It's NOT okay!"


Charis said...

That was a great story! he he he! By the way, I am sorry I called so late the other night, I was just so excited to talk to you! YEAH Congratulations!

Bekah said...

ha ha.cute.
how are you?

Cambria said...

The house looks beautiful--I love the hardwood floors. And oh my goodness, Sam and Elijah look so old. (This comment has little to do with this post, but I was afraid you wouldn't see it if I commented on the earlier posts.) Best Jon (not Cami)