Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Share the LOVE (and I am sore)

Valentines Day is fast apporaching.  I've moved up the button that goes to my mother-in-laws Valentines blog.  Check it out and share the love.

As a side note-- I am SORE!
I got Wii EA Active 2 for Christmas and now that we are home and all the holiday festivities are done I have started the 3 week program.  (There is a 3 week and a 9 week program in addition to the various other workouts as well as the ability to create your own workouts).  Anyway, I have worked out three days and rested 2 (you actually only workout 4 days a week) and I am feeling it everywhere.  So far I have been happy with the program.  I'll keep you posted the more I get into it but for know I just had to share that I hurt, the good kind of hurt.


christine said...

thanks Sarah

Charis said...

Yes keep me posted...i am trying to decide what I can do to nitrate me like I was bach when I fist got the wii fit... it just isn't doing it for me any more...it doesn't seam to work me hard enough any more so I get bird and loose my enthusiasm..my goal is twenty pounds in the next ten weeks...so I really need to start.